Ennis, Co Clare
Phone: 065 683 9360
Email: kilmaleyns@eircom.net
Website: https://kilmaleyns.ie/
Kilmaley National School is a rapidly expanding eight Teacher Primary School situated at the centre of the parish.
The Board of Management is currently in the process of providing additional classroom accommodation for the current increase in enrolment. It is a co-educational Catholic Primary School with a strong work ethic.
Our aim is to support all children in the full development of his/her emotional, intellectual, cultural, physical, social and spiritual growth. We provide a broad comprehensive education that nurtures and recognises the needs and talents of each individual pupil.
School Facilities.
The school is adjacent to St. Johns Church, Kilmaley, The Community Creche, Kilmaley, and the Astro-Turf and playground in Kilmaley. Additional school facilities include:-
- Padded play area,
- State of the art Astro-turf and playground facilities in Kilmaley enables children to participate fully in a wide range of P.E. activities.
- School Garden
- Outdoor seated class area
- School all weather pitch
- 400m running track
- School Bus set down area
- I.C.T. – Interactive White Boards in each classroom – IPAD’S
- Close co-operation between the school and the Crèche provides Breakfast Club, Afterschool, Homework Club and Dinner Facilities.
Drop off /Collection by staff at Kilmaley Community Creche to Kilmaley National School at 9.20am, 2pm and 3pm.
In Addition to curricular activities Kilmaley National School has a very strong tradition in Hurling and Camógie, (indoor and outdoor). Kilmaley National School is currently participating in Division 1, in both codes due to numerous successes in both over the last number of years. Students participate in Swimming, Soccer, Cross Country Running, Art, Community Games, Skills and Science Fairs.
At various times during the school year, the curriculum is supported by a number of varying activities etc., which include The Halloween Witches Walk, Carol singing, Mass of Remembrance, Childrens Discos, School Tours, Sacraments, Farm visits and Nature Walks